All of the above information is correct and complete. I understand that you will be relying on this information in deciding whether to extend the credit to me. You may check my credit and employment history, the above information, or obtain other information from any source you choose and reverify it from time to time. I agree that this application shall remain your property, whether or not credit is granted. Credits reports may be obtained in connection with my application. Upon request, I will be informed if a credit report was obtained, if so, you will provide me the name and address of the credit reporting agency that furnished the report. You may furnish to
others information about my credit and account experience with you. I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the credit extended to me. I agree to notify you if there is a change in my financial condition, or if I change my employment or address. If this application is for joint account or cosigner, this statement applies to both of us. I authorize Mayles Used Cars, Inc. to share information on my account with its affiliated and ubsidiary companies. I also authorize you to share my credit information with other creditors for the purpose of providing me with the credit I seek to obtain. I will notify you in writing if I do not wish my information to be shared. Typing your name in the signature box and submitting the application to Mayles Used Cars, Inc. is being accepted as a electronic signature authorizing us to follow the terms and condition listed above.